Pixar 37: Finding Dory (Spoiler Review)

Ok I figure most everyone has given their normal non-spoiler review at this point so I’m going all spoilery! I’ve seen Finding Dory twice and am ready to dissect and talk about more subtle messages and meaning behind our watery tale. Do not read this review if you have not seen the movie. If you want to know my thoughts watch my youtube review which is non-spoilery (I gave it an A, which on a second watch I might move down to A-).

Now we get all spoilery. You’ve been warned.

finding dory4There are a lot of ways to enjoy Finding Dory. My first watch-through I loved it as a film about a special needs fish and quite possibly Pixar’s funniest film. It’s right up there with Monsters Inc as Pixar film with the most jokes per square inch of screen time. But as I am want to do I dug deeper at some of the more subtle messages in the film. I even pondered on a connection between it and another popular Pixar film that may make Finding Dory more thoughtful than just a silly comedy.

Let’s start by talking about what we know about Dory going into Finding Dory. Obviously she has short-term memory problem. That’s clear in Finding Nemo but what is also clear is how her memory is aided by being around Marlin. Clearly love, support and a continuing presence helps with her memory.  She even remembers “P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney” from almost the minute that she is around Marlin. It is then no surprise that being with Marlin and Nemo for a year her memories would continue to improve and that’s what we get at the start of Finding Dory. We also learn that Australia is a much more lush and clean area than where she grew up…

finding dory 11Dory has some flashbacks of her parents and herself as a baby fish. Her parents are warm and nurturing- trying their best to raise their daughter and keep her safe.  Dory tells Marlin she must go and find her family and to be honest this surprised me at first. Dory has a family for all intensive purposes already with Nemo and Marlin but she feels a need to find her birth family anyway. With what we see later on in the film I wonder if as soon as she thought of them she was immediately struck with a sense of worry for her family and that is the reason she must hunt them down?

finding dory crushWe get a nice little visit from Crush which is basically the only real speaking part of Finding Dory from Finding Nemo. A lot of people were disappointed by that but I was glad they gave us new characters.  One of the things the film does well is it forgoes the linear storytelling of Nemo in return for a more bumpy narrative. What I mean by that is instead of having one goal and then Marlin finding a friend to carry him through that goal as in Finding Nemo, in Finding Dory, Dory is often alone and confused with what to do. Then she meets one character who helps her a little bit and then another and another. Again, I think there could be a subtle meaning in all of these characters that one solitary companion wouldn’t have shown.

So with Crush’s help they get to California and are at the Marine Life Institute.  This is where we get into the meat of my analysis. The first thing that struck me is how polluted the water around the institute is. Dory even gets stuck in a 6 pack can plastic holder.

dory polutionIsn’t that strange that the water by a marine life institute which supposedly focuses on conservation and saving fish would be so polluted? If we look at the water it looks dirty and gross.

finding dory oceanThen there are two unique things about the Marine Life Institute that stand out. First, the voice of Sigourney Weaver welcomes visitors to the institute. She says “welcome to the Marine Life Institute where we believe in rescue, rehabilitation and release”.  There’s a lot of fishy (pun intended) things going on with this statement and institute but the biggest is where do we also hear Sigourney Weaver’s voice in a Pixar film? Why she is the voice of the Axiom computer in WALLE! Now tell me there is not a double meaning behind that!

axiom walleNow let’s think about what Axiom does. It lulls humans into an acceptance of an imprisoned, satiated life. It is only when the Captain realizes all the breadth and depth of human experience that he revolts against the Axiom and we get the second half of the film. (That’s why I don’t get people who dislike the second half of WALL-E. It’s an amazing awakening for the Captain and the people. I love it!)

I can see some of that same behavior here in Finding Dory. If we think about the largest building at the institute has Quarantine written right on the side.  What happens at quarantine? Not really catch and release like they say. The fish are imprisoned in aquariums and sent off to Cleveland where guess what there is no ocean!

finding dory 12And not only that but what have they succeeded to do? They have convinced Hank, our sentipus friend that he desperately needs to go to Cleveland and that the open water is a bad place. It doesn’t sound like the kind of place that is living up to their mission statement! Also, why is Hank missing a tentacle? That seems a little suspect too.

finding dory9It’s also interesting that all of the marine life immediately agree to help Dory, Marlin and Nemo. If they were in such a great, loving place you’d think they would be resistant to helping.Dory’s parents also set up their home outside of the institute when really to find Dory it makes more sense to go back into the exhibit. I get now why there is no villain in Finding Dory because the INSTITUTE is the villain!!! (Just like in Wall-e)

finding dory homeI think at the very least the Marine Life Institute is a sham! They aren’t releasing fish back into the ocean. In fact, I don’t know if they are even rehabilitating them at all.  Think about Dory. She is taken from the water, given a tag and immediately going to be sent off to Cleveland. That seems strange! There doesn’t seem to be anything happening in quarantine but people overly concerned about the missing octopus, making coffee and coordinating the trip to Cleveland.

finding dory8When Dory has to convince Hank to leave the truck it reminded me a lot of Woody talking to Jesse in Toy Story 2. She has been manipulated to accept a life of imprisonment by Stinky Pete. Woody tells her ‘wouldn’t you give anything to be played with by Emily once again?’.  It’s a similar speech from Dory. Yes, the ending is very silly with an octopus driving a truck but it has a new tension to it when you see it as a desperate escape from a compound!

finding dory destiny and baileyWe also have Destiny and Bailey who are interesting characters.  They are very sweet and funny but they clearly are not being rehabilitated by the institute. In fact, they are just as convinced of their frailties as Hank. Is that not what Axiom would do? It’s Axiom’s voice telling them they are ok and cared for rather than it actually being true.

getting homeHere’s an idea that will blow your mind. What if it is the pollution and treatment by Axiom that caused Dory to lose her memory? I mean short-term memory loss doesn’t happen every day and it makes sense when you think about Axiom. What better way to control subjects than to make them lose their memory?  They are able to successfully make everyone forget in Wall-e so perhaps Dory is just the beginning of that process?

finding dory2At the very least what if the beginning of the Axiom takeover is happening in America and the Marine Life Institute is proof of that type of control? Who knows Cleveland could be the home of the BNL corporation that creates Axiom? We know it is American and Fred Willard certainly has a midwestern voice.

finding dory sea lionsSo could it be that Finding Dory is as much a prequel to WALL-E as sequel to Finding Nemo? That may be a stretch but it’s interesting to think about. It certainly adds a layer of thoughtfulness to all the jokes and enjoyable scenes.

finding dory7On another note, one of the things I loved about the film is the way it dealt with a special needs character. Marlin and even Dory’s parents acknowledge the difficulties of being with someone who has a disability.

There is no doubt it is hard and I like they didn’t sugar coat that but the disabled also see the world through a different lens. We see that with Dory and with Bailey who’s unique vision helps save everyone. Marlin and Nemo even start asking ‘what would Dory do?’ What a great message for kids and families that just because someone is different doesn’t mean they are bad.

DoryI can’t give a review of Finding Dory without talking about the stellar voice cast featuring returning voices Ellen DeGeneres as Dory who is perfect in the role and Albert Brooks as Marlin. Then as new voices we have Ed O’Neill as Hank, Kaitlin Olson as Destiny, Diane Keaton as Dory’s Mom Jenny, Eugene Levy as Dory’s Dad Charlie,  Idris Elba as Fluke the hilarious sea lion and many more.  They are all outstanding and like I said very funny.

finding dory6It also has to be said that Finding Dory is stunningly beautiful. The seascapes both in the aquarium and back in Australia are beautiful. I particularly loved a scene where the stingrays are migrating and they move along and sing like a men’s choir.

sting raysAnd like I said Finding Dory is super funny and sweet on a surface level as well, so it’s got something for everyone!

I hope this review showed you some new layers in Finding Dory. What do you think of the connections to WALL-E?  What was your favorite part about the film? It’s a beautiful animated film from Pixar and one I will definitely be purchasing on blu-ray.

Overall Grade- A-

PS. And notice how I got through this entire review without mentioning The Good Dinosaur once! (I love that movie btw).


Pixar Review 36: Piper

piper disney pixar finalIn some ways something like Pixar’s latest short Piper is hard to talk about because it is deceptively simple. On the surface it is a cute little short about a baby bird at the beach but the more I thought about the more there was to it. Piper is a real Pixar gem and one of their best shorts in years.

Let’s start off with the animation. I think you can tell from the above photo that Piper is incredibly realistic. Most of the short if you hadn’t told me it was animated I would not have known. Everything from Piper’s feathers to her little legs looks so real.  There is a little hermit crab that looks animated but the ocean and the water looks amazing. Little details like the way the water reflects Piper and the look of the sand are perfect. You can really see what they learned from the Good Dinosaur and took it into Piper and it makes me excited for future Pixar properties.

piper+2Like I said, Piper is a simple story.  It’s about a baby bird who must learn to conquer its fears of the ocean. The thing that is great is it’s a valid fear.  She (or he?) gets hit pretty hard with a wave and so naturally shrinks from it, not wanting to go near the tide. Unfortunately, she is hungry and finally her stomach rules the day, so she ventures back. With each new wave she is more scared until she looks under the water and see’s the world underneath. This new vision of the world excites her and helps Piper to overcome her fears.

piper4Composer Adrian Belew does a great job with the music in Piper and the whole thing is just completely adorable. I liked it so much I could see an entire Piper movie! Look at the detail in the above shot- the coarseness of the sand, the fluffiness of her feathers.  Amazing! And it is winning without being too saccharine or sweet.

What did you think of Piper? Where does it rank for you in the Pixar shorts? It will be pretty high for me although I love all of the Pixar shorts so it is tough.

Overall Grade- A+

I posted my spoiler free review of Finding Dory on my youtube channel last night. I will post a detailed review here after I’ve seen it again, but just know it’s wonderful. I highly recommend checking out Finding Dory and Piper! If you guys could give this a thumbs up if you like that would be awesome. Thanks!

Finding Dory Trailer Review

So we got our first full trailer for Finding Dory today.

I must own I thought the trailer was just ok. I like that girl shark they show.  She looks fun and the visuals of the ocean look amazing.  I can’t wait to see that!  But the story does concern me a bit.  Pixar has always had a philosophy of never repeating the original film with their sequels.  So far I’m just not seeing what is going to make Finding Dory unique. That concerns me a bit.

What was so great about Finding Nemo is how surprising it was.  Things like the AA sharks are hilarious.  I still laugh at those scenes.  Plus, the dual plotlines of Nemo in the dentist office and Merlin looking for his son were delightful.  The ocean was beautifully portrayed and I loved all of the tense, emotional and funny moments.  The seagulls- hilarious!

It makes me wonder- how is Finding Dory going to surprise me? As much as people hate Cars 2 I’d rather watch that then a warmed over Cars duplicate.  At least they were trying something new and different.  I enjoyed it with its flaws.  I hope they surprise me and try something new.

But it should also be noted that Pixar isn’t always great with their trailers for some reason.  This one had things I liked and am looking forward to but it didn’t wow me.

What about you? What’d you think of the trailer?

Finding Dory Teaser Trailer Thoughts

So I wasn’t going to do a review to the Finding Dory teaser trailer released today but after some rest felt well enough to put out a few thoughts.  If you haven’t subscribed to my channel I’d really appreciate it and if you like the video please give it a thumbs up.  Thanks!

Basically the trailer is more of a clip than a regular trailer.  It gives us a scene with Nemo finding Dory sleep-swimming because she is remembering her parents.  One of the interesting things is that clearly Finding Dory is going to take place very soon after Finding Nemo because Nemo is still little in this film.  That surprises me a bit but it makes sense when you think of all the stimulation Dory received while looking for Nemo.  She was able to remember details like PT Sherman and so perhaps her brain is remembering lots of things it had forgotten.

There is a little side of me that is nervous about this film.  It’s just a worry that side characters like the recent Minions can’t uphold their as the lead to their own movie.  Now I think the team behind Finding Dory is a milion times stronger than Minions but there’s still that worry.

However, I am mostly excited to see Marlin, Nemo and Dory back in the ocean on an adventure.  I love the oceanscapes of Finding Nemo and can’t wait to see how beautiful the ocean looks again.  The cast they have on board looks great including returning favorites like Ellen Degeneres, Albert Brooks and William Defoe.  And we have new characters voiced by Diane Keaton, Eugene Levy, Ty Burrell and Ed O’Neil.  Andrew Stanton is back directing and writing (a lot of people forget that Nemo was nominated for Best Screenplay not just Animated Feature Film).  So, hard to not get excited about such talent involved on every aspect of this film.

Really I think the trailer was more for people outside Disney and Pixar fandom who aren’t aware of the project and to just introduce to them that the Finding Dory is coming next June.

What did you think of the trailer?

If you haven’t had a chance to watch it here it is

Ranking Pixar Movies

PixarlogoIt’s the moment you all have been waiting for.  I have finished reviewing the Pixar movies so that means it is time for me to rank them in order of less great to greatest.  I was hesitant to review the Pixar movies at the beginning because I love them all that I didn’t know if they would be good reading but I hope you guys have enjoyed my efforts.

Ranking is tough because honestly I have my #1 and then about a 8 car pile-up for 2nd place.  They are all so different and appeal to me in different ways.

That said, here goes!

15. Brave– I enjoy it but doesn’t deliver the movie it promises in the strong introduction.

brave2014. Cars 2– Both Cars movies are pretty close for me.  I like the energy in 2 and think the spy elements are creative.

cars2-313. Cars– A little slower than I remembered this time around.  Still a nice message about Main Street USA and lovely animation.

cars12. A Bug’s Life– A sweet little movie with a predictable story but I like the characters and it is well written.

bugs life211.  Monsters University– I love the message of Mike finding out his true calling is not his dream.  It makes Mike into one of Pixar’s most complex character.

mu210.  Monsters Inc- A delightful film with great chemistry between Sulley and Mike.  Creative world building with Monstropolis.

monsters inc29. Toy Story 2– A fun action adventure comedy for Woody, Buzz and the gang.  We get real heart with Jesse and her song.  Plus Woody must decide what he wants out of his life.

toy story2-48. Toy Story 3- Pixar’s take on a prison escape movie is full of drama and keeps you on the edge of your seat.  Humor from Barbie and Ken and a pitch perfect ending.

7. Ratatouille- A movie that makes me smile from beginning to end.  I love Remy and his desire to cook French food.  It is funny, sweet and lovely.  Paris never looked better.

ratatouille-paris-pixar-dvdbash6. Finding Nemo- Great adventure as we follow 2 storylines with Marlin looking for Nemo and Nemo in the aquarium.  Nearly every joke works and a real heart to boot.

finding nemo55. Wall-e– Starts out as a silent film following the life of a little robot left on earth.  Then we move to space and Wall-e and Eve help the humans realize their potential and get back to where they belong.  A movie that grows stronger each time I watch it.  Emotional, sweet, beautiful and bold.

walle and eva4. Incredibles– The best superhero movie.  A great film about marriage and work.  Funny, exciting with a terrific villain.  Looks great and a total delight.

incredibles103. Inside Out– I’ve seen it 3 times in theaters and every time I am more blown away.  Emotional, funny, layered adventure for both the emotions and Riley.  Bing Bong was an unexpected character and the ending is perfect

inside out52. Toy Story– When I watched for this series I was amazed at how it held up.  It’s really a story about how Woody learns to overcome his weaknesses- his jealousy, his fear.  We all fear of being forgotten and that is Woody’s fear.  It still looks good for the story and the emotion and humor hold up.  In the end it is the Pixar I have loved longest so that counts for something.

toy story11. Up– No surprise there.  You guys know it is my favorite movie.  The opening is emotional.  The journey of Carl to overcome his grief and make his devotion to his wife is touching, funny and lovely.  I love the animation and music.  It is just perfect.

up12Here’s my video I made of the ranking

Did the Right Film Win? 2003 Animated Oscars

Today I uploaded the next in my Animated Oscars: Did the Right Film Win series.  We are on to 2003 and we get 2 special films and one that I hate.

If you guys follow my blog you know I did not like Brother Bear.  You can read my full review to find out why I felt it made the wrong choice every time and got a rare F from me.

The two worthy nominees are Finding Nemo and The Triplets of Belleville.

Finding Nemo is the wonderful Pixar film about a father fish searching for his son who is in an aquarium miles away.  It is funny, creative, very well paced with beautiful seascapes.

The Triplets of Belleville is not for everyone.  It is challenging 2D animated film from Sylvain Chomet.  The story is about a woman who’s Grandson becomes a cyclist but then is abducted.  She meets a famous vaudville act The Triplets of Belleville who help her find her Grandson and sing a lot of catchy songs along the way.  There is no dialogue for the most part and it is very strange but I like it.  The animation is stunning and the music will make you want to dance.  It made my Most Artistic Animated Films list.

So what do you go with the artistic film with great music or the crowdpleaser with great heart and good jokes?  Watch the video and find out. 🙂

What would you pick? Would love your thoughts on if the right film won in 2003.

Pixar Review 14: Finding Nemo

finding nemo17Anyone who knows me knows I love being in the water.  All summer long I am in every open water event and group I can get my hands on but most of all I live for getting to the ocean.  I think about it daily.  I dream about it.  I LOVE the ocean.  I love the waves, swimming, beach and snorkeling to see all the beautiful aquatic life.

So naturally I love Finding Nemo! Pixar really knocked it out of the park on this one.

It had been a while since I had seen it and I honestly regret not putting it on my Most Artistic Animated Films list.  It’s stunning.  I mean look at these images and how every inch is animated with sea life and colors.

Pictured:  Marlin (the father clownfish) takes his son, Nemo, to his first day of school.

finding nemo2They are so good at keeping the fishes and water moving while they are talking and having their facial characteristics look natural (unlike Dreamworks Shark Tale…).   It looks like if a clown fish was going to talk that’s how their mouths would move.  Nothing feels off-putting or grotesque (again unlike Shark Tale).

But all that would mean nothing if the story wasn’t great (remember It’s All About the Story).  Luckily the story is even better than the visuals.  This last time I really paid attention to little moments of great writing. I totally see why it was nominated for Best Original Screenplay which is a huge rarity for an animated film.

If you don’t know the story is an adventure about a widower clownfish named Marlin (Albert Brooks) who has to go on a journey to find his son Nemo who has been taken by a dentist in Sydney, Australia.

The film starts out very sad and without giving too much away Marlin promises his son that he ‘will never let anything happen to him”.

finding nemo12Thinking he is being loving, he is overprotective and Nemo even says that he hates his father and it’s hard to blame him with how neurotic he is.

finding nemo18As I said Nemo ends up getting taken and Marlin must find his son with little clues and a great big ocean to search through.  In addition, the only creature to come to his aid is a memory-challenged fish named Dory (Ellen Degeneres). Dory is such a likable, genuine, sweet character.  She finds when she is helping Marlin she can remember things, even hard details like addresses.  The two have ups and downs but develop a lovely friendship.  Dory even says to him as only a friend “when I look at you I’m home and I don’t want that to go away” which gets a tear from my eyes every time…

finding nemo5Meanwhile Nemo is off to the dentist office where he meets a group of aquarium fish most of whom are from pet stores.

finding nemo6Except Gill who is from the ocean and dreams of escaping and going back. These sections are an entirely different color palate than the ocean but it is fabulous. Gil is pretty down-trodden for a Disney film (kind of like Eeyore) but he believes in Nemo (or Sharkbait as they call him) in a way Marlin doesn’t.

finding nemo15Everyone in the aquarium is most afraid of becoming toilet fodder for the dentist’s niece Darla- the true villain of the film! So funny!

finding nemo13Marlin gets stopped on his trip several times including a hilarious segment with 3 sharks going to an AA type meeting for eating fish.  “Fish are friends not food”.  When you see these giant sharks it is the last thing you expect and so funny.

finding nemo8They also have a gorgeously animated sequence in a jellyfish colony.

Marlin is rescued from the jellys by a turtle named Crush who is also very funny. I love his line “Dude, you’ve got some serious thrill issues”.  However, Crush isn’t just a throwaway comedic character.  He actually teaches Marlin something about parenting and letting your little one’s make mistakes and try things on their own. Like the sharks he defies expectations.

finding nemo7When they actually get to Sydney the writers solve how he can possibly get to the dentists office by a bird named Nigel who knows the  aquarium fish and likes to watch extractions.

finding nemo14He also saves them from one of the best gags in the movie- the seagulls who say exactly what most would guess a seagull would say ‘mine, mine, mine, mine’.  So funny.

finding nemo16There are so many other great parts.  Like I love Dory speaking whale and Marlin thinking she is nuts. (Despite her memory Dory is one of the smartest characters in the film).

finding nemo10The voice cast is as good as it gets with famous names but more importantly voices that work.  Again unlike Shark Tale, these are voices that make sense for the story not just the celebrity.  We get DeGeneres, Brooks, William Dafoe (Gill), Brad Garrett (Bloat), Alison Janney (Peach), Stephen Root (Bubbles), Geoffrey Rush (Nigel), the list goes on…they are all perfectly cast.

It’s exciting, sweet, touching, scary, tragic (especially beginning) and absolutely hilarious all at the same time.  Mostly it’s a movie the entire family will love and it is stunningly beautiful at the same time.

finding nemo3And I won’t give it away but the ending is perfect.  It shows all that Marlin, Nemo and Dory have learned from their journey and it makes me want to cheer.  They could have just ended it with the rescue but they don’t.  They take it a step further and show the real growth.

It is movies like Finding Nemo that make a Pixar ranking almost impossible.  I sincerely believe they have 8 films that are close to perfect.  How the heck do you rate a Wall-e vs Ratatouille vs Finding Nemo vs Toy Story movies?  They are all total delights. That says something for a studio when you have 9 pictures including Monsters Inc that are so exemplary. Amazing!

I really have no criticisms of Finding Nemo.  I had my computer out ready to write them.  The music is away from Randy Newman to his cousin Thomas Newman (very musical family!) but it has a very different feel of the previous Pixar films.

I’ll just end with some of my other favorite lines:

“It doesn’t sound like orca.  It sounds like nothing I’ve ever heard” Marlin

“Whoa Dude, Mr Turtle is my father.  The name is Crush” Crush

“Hey clown boy, let the lady guess” School of fishes.

“Yes, I’m your conscience.  We haven’t spoken in a while…” Marlin to Dory

“When life gets you down what do you do? Just keep swimming” Dory

“Yes I’m a natural blue” Dory

In a great Shining reference “Here’s Brucey!” Bruce the shark

“Humans think they own everything  Propbably American” sharks

“Sea cucumbers- normally they don’t talk but in a joke everyone talks…” Marlin

“He’s not very funny for a clown fish” Fish parents.

finding nemo9

That’s just a handful of the great writing.  It looks fabulous.  It has great characters and a good story.  What more can you ask for?

Overall Grade- A+  (I told you before doing this project there would be a lot of those!).

The only content recommendation is for very small children I might just start at the first day of school as the beginning scene may be a little too upsetting for them.